709 research outputs found

    A graph-based model of object recognition self-learning

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    In this paper, we study the object recognition self-learning for robots. In particular, we consider the self-learning during solution of typical tasks. We propose a graph-based model for self-learning. This model is based on the problem of monochromatic path for given set of weights. We prove that the problem is NP-complete. We consider an approach to solve the problem. This approach is based on an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem

    The problem of fingerprints selection for topological localization

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    Visual navigation is extensively used in contemporary robotics. In particular, we can mention different systems of visual landmarks. In this paper, we consider one-dimensional color panoramas. Panoramas can be used for creating fingerprints. Fingerprints give us unique identifiers for visually distinct locations by recovering statistically significant features. Also, it can be used as visual landmarks for mobile robot navigation. In this paper, we consider a method for automatic generation of fingerprints. Since a fingerprint is a circular string, different string-matching algorithms can be used for selection of fingerprints. In particular, we consider the problem of finding the consensus of circular strings under the Hamming distance metric. We propose an approach to solve the problem. In particular, we consider the center string problem, the center circular string problem, and the center circular string with fixed letters problem. We obtain an explicit reduction from the center circular string problem to the satisfiability problem. We propose a genetic algorithm for solution of the center circular string problem. Also, we propose a genetic algorithm for the prediction the effectiveness of the use of special algorithm for four circular strings

    A system of intelligent algorithms for a module of onboard equipment of mobile vehicles

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    The area of intelligent robotics is moving from the single robot control problem to that of controlling multiple robots operating together and even collaborating in dynamic and unstructured intelligent environments. In such conditions, an intelligent robot control system is only part of general intelligent system. In this paper, we consider a model of such system. © 2013 Anna Gorbenko

    The shortest common ordered supersequence problem

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of the shortest common ordered supersequence. In particular, we consider an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem. © 2013 Anna Gorbenko

    The Problem of Human-following for a Mobile Robot

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    The problem of human-following for mobile robotic systems have been extensively studied. There are a number of approaches for different types of robots and sensor systems. In particular, different equipment of the environment and sensor-based methods by using a special suit have been applied for solution of the problem ofhuman-following for mobile robots. This paper proposes an algorithm for the problem of human-following in an unequipped indoor environment for a low-cost mobile robot with a single visual sensor. We consider the results of computational experiments. Also, we consider the results of robotic experiments for day and night navigation

    The swap common superstring problem

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    In this paper we consider an approach to solve the swap common superstring problem. this approach is based on an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem

    The shortest common parameterized supersequence problem

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of the shortest common parameterized supersequence. In particular, we consider an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem. © 2013 Anna Gorbenko and Vladimir Popov

    Computational experiments for the problem of footstep planning for humanoid robots

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    It is well known that motion planning problems for humanoid robots are of particular interest. Footstep planning is one of such problems. We describe an approach to solve the footstep planning problem in a free unbounded environment. This approach is based on an explicit reduction from the problem to the satisfiability problem. © 2013 Anna Gorbenko and Vladimir Popov

    A genetic algorithm with expansion and exploration operators for the maximum satisfiability problem

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    There are many problems that standard genetic algorithms fail to solve. Refinements of standard genetic algorithms that can be used to solve hard problems has caused considerable interest. In this paper, we consider genetic algorithms withexpansion and exploration operators for the maximum satisfiability problem